Obtaining DataContext in ZK

From: Steve Wells (websystem..mail.com)
Date: Mon May 21 2007 - 00:23:07 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Obtaining DataContext in ZK"


    I've been playing with the ZK (www.zkoss.org) framework for building AJAX
    apps, and so far have found it rather impressive and easy to use.

    Having hit my first roadblock now is getting DataContext, as each ZK request
    runs in a separate thread (see:
    ) I think this is the problem why I can't get DC
    with WebApplicationContextFilter and DataContext.getThreadDataContext (). I
    get "IllegalStateException: Current thread has no bound DataContext."

    Looking into src for DataContext I see this comment // TODO: Andrus,
    11/7/2005 - should we use InheritableThreadLocal instead?

    So I subclassed DataContext and overrode the :
    ThreadLocal threadDataContext

    to be

    InheritableThreadLocal threadDataContext

    changed WebApplicationContextFilter to call my subclassed DataContext and
    bingo it works.

    Not sure if anyone else has run into this kind of thing before? I would
    raise a JIRA issue but I'm not yet confident that this is the 100% correct


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