Re: Behavior of "remove(object)" on ToManyList

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu May 24 2007 - 05:20:10 EDT

  • Next message: Alexander Lamb: "Re: Behavior of "remove(object)" on ToManyList"

    I suggest using "getSelectedCountry().removeFromCenters(..)" for
    consistent behavior. As for the remove, maybe we should fire a list
    fault for consistency, but this hasn't been a big deal as
    relationship management is better done via special methods.


    On May 24, 2007, at 10:54 AM, Alexander Lamb wrote:
    > Hello list,
    > I am fetching a "List" of objects (a too many relationship).
    > Then in a loop, I am removing some objects:
    > List<RegistryCenter> rcs = getRegistry().getRegistryCenters();
    > List centers = getSelectedCountry().getCenters();
    > for(RegistryCenter rc:rcs)
    > {
    > centers.remove(rc.getCenter());
    > }
    > Now, this doesn't always work. Actually, it fails if "centers" is a
    > fault (I checked in the Cayenne code).
    > If I simply do a "size()" of "contains" on the list before my loop
    > for example. My list will fire and my loop will function correctly,
    > removing objects when present in the list.
    > So there is a workaround, but I was wondering why the "remove
    > (object)" in behaved differently than for example
    > "remove(index)" which will correctly fire the fault.
    > In other words, "remove(object)" is the only function which does
    > not systématically fire the fault.
    > Why?
    > Thanks,
    > Alex

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