
From: Fredrik Liden (
Date: Tue Jun 12 2007 - 15:18:50 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Self-join"

    What is the status of self joins in v. 1.2.3?
    From the 2 posts I find in the archive seems like some people are using
    The documentation doesn't mention it.
    Just wondering if it's ok to use or if there are any limitations that
    discourages it's use?

    I'm have a set of nodes. I'm guessing the source node will have
    Source_node_id NULL or 0. And then the target nodes will refer back to
    the source nodes Node_id. Would it be worth using self joins here or
    should I just look up the target nodes based on the source nodes using
    regular queries and not worry about the relations?


    Node_id (pk)
    Source_node_id (fk)


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