Tutorial Mapping Query

From: Jack O'Connor (jo418..ristol.ac.uk)
Date: Tue Jul 03 2007 - 12:00:04 EDT

  • Next message: Eric BIANCHI: "Cayenne in a Cluster environment ends up in NullPointerException [RESOLVED]"

    Hello again,
    I'm working my way through the "Quick Start" guide for Cayenne v1.2.3
    using a MySQL database. I get expected results until I reach the
    following page, and encountered a problem:
    I click my DomainMap, then Create Query and select Raw SQL. I give it a
    name (DeleteAll), add the (delete from $table) SQL script (on 'Default
    Adapter') and save. I refresh the package in eclipse, and add the
    suggested code starting with the line:
    QueryChain chain = new QueryChain();
    When I Run As>Java Application, I get:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation
            QueryChain cannot be resolved to a type
            QueryChain cannot be resolved to a type
            NamedQuery cannot be resolved to a type
            Collections cannot be resolved

    How is the project supposed to recognize those types? Where are they
    supposed to be defined?

    Many Thanks

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