Cayenne Query trivia

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2007 - 09:05:39 EDT

  • Next message: Bryan Lewis: "Re: Cayenne Query trivia"

    Here is a small custom query that combines SQLTemplate and
    SelectQuery in one, allowing to fetch the root entity with raw SQL,
    and still prefetch related entities as if it were a SelectQuery. Note
    that qualifier is ignored for the root entity fetch, but is applied
    to the prefetched entities (most often than not qualifier is null
    though). Ordering is ignored too, and should be encoded in SQL.

    Not sure how common this case is, but I have a real-life situation
    where this turned to be invaluable.

    public class CustomSQLSelectQuery extends SelectQuery {

            protected String rootQuerySQL;

            public CustomSQLSelectQuery(Class objectClass, String rootQuerySQL) {
                    this.rootQuerySQL = rootQuerySQL;

            public SQLAction createSQLAction(SQLActionVisitor visitor) {
                    SQLTemplate replacement = new SQLTemplate();
                    return replacement.createSQLAction(visitor);

    SelectQuery query = new CustomSQLSelectQuery(Artist.class, "<SOME
    List artists = dataService.getContext().performQuery(query);


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