Autogenerated column by DB

From: mr.abanjo (
Date: Mon Jul 23 2007 - 05:23:53 EDT

  • Next message: Jack O'Connor: "counting rows"

    sometimes, i must insert or update records in a table that has
    auto-generated column (es: MS Access --> counter)
    When i need to save data, first i check if i already have an object that
    matck the key that come from user (maybe he has insert it manually, or maybe
    is auto-generated.. so i have a null value from the form):

          dtOb = DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(dataContext, entity, compoundKey);

    If the key is not specified by user, the "compoundKey" is null, and the code
    above return also a null DataObject.

    Now i know that is the time to create a new record:

        dtOb = dataContext.createAndRegisterNewObject(entity);

    then, i insert all required values:

     ... BUT NOT the auto-generated column.

    When i perform a commit, Cayenne return me an error, because in the
    generated INSERT query, is still present the auto-generated column, and the
    value assigned is NULL.

    How i can tell to cayenne to ignore the column, in way that the generated
    INSERT query doesn't contains it?
    There are other ways to manage this kind of operation?


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