Re: Open interface

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2007 - 09:30:55 EDT

  • Next message: Jean-Paul Le Fèvre: "How the cache works ?"

    I see two ways to go about it.

    1. First, quick and dirty, is to not use ROP. Just create your own
    web service with specific query methods, and serialize the results to
    XML via Cayenne XML package (or some other way).

    2. Second is what Ari just described. Objective C client is using
    Hessian protocol (just as Java). You may use that or try to build
    upon the ROP-WSDL done as a part of Summer of Code 2006 by a student:

    This exposes ROP server as a WSDL, so this is sort of a standard
    extension protocol and it may (or may not?) be easier to get the
    client going.

    First option should work for most apps, as long as the client logic
    is not too complex and you do not need to commit object graphs from
    the client. The second option provides maximum client power, but
    would also require some serious dedication to implement.


    On Aug 1, 2007, at 1:27 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
    > On 01/08/2007, at 6:34 PM, Jan Lendholt wrote:
    >> I read about the Remote funcitonality in cayenne but I guess it is
    >> not possible to connect this service to .Net.
    > Someone has already done some work to write a ROP Cayenne client in
    > Objective C, and Cayenne has as a design goal that other clients
    > are certainly possible. The place to start would be to look at
    > Hessian and dig up one of the many implementations of it for
    > different platforms. That is the serialisation layer and is needed
    > to get the http data stream back into objects at the remote end.
    > After that, you'll need to examine what Cayenne ROP does (or dig up
    > that Objective C implementation) and implement that for your chosen
    > platform. IMO such a project would be welcomed by a great many
    > people and offers great promise for remote rich GUI applications.
    > Ari Maniatis
    > -------------------------->
    > Aristedes Maniatis
    > phone +61 2 9660 9700
    > PGP fingerprint 08 57 20 4B 80 69 59 E2 A9 BF 2D 48 C2 20 0C C8

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