Re: How the cache works ?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Aug 01 2007 - 13:03:55 EDT

  • Next message: Jan Lendholt: "Distinct"

    On Aug 1, 2007, at 5:06 PM, Jean-Paul Le Fèvre wrote:

    > Moreover I don't know if there is a way to configure the size of
    > the cache.

    More on that.... IMO until 3.0 query cache (as opposed to individual
    object cache) was fairly immature. Users have very little control
    over its behavior. Some things were easy to fix (like the one I
    mentioned before), but others were not so simple.

    In 3.0 caching mechanism is pluggable and I've personally pushed the
    envelope pretty far in customizing it in my own applications. What's
    missing (due to the early alpha status of 3.0) is good documentation
    and Modeler support.

    What you can already do is this:

    1. Configure Query Cache Policy

    DataDomain domain = ..
    domain.setQueryCacheFactory(new OSQueryCacheFactory());
    // default is "domain.setQueryCacheFactory(new MapQueryCacheFactory());"
    // and you can write your own as well..

    OSQueryCacheFactory (based on OSCache as the name implies) allows you
    to configure cross-VM notifications, "group" expiration policies,
    cache size, and more.

    2. Setup Queries

    As I mentioned before, there is no need to assign the name to a query
    anymore. You still need to select a cache policy. And there's one
    more optional setting that makes a query manageable via OSCache - an
    array of arbitrary cache groups. Those are used to expire groups of
    query results in one shot, and generally allow to assign queries to a
    given OS Cache policy definition. E.g.:

    SelectQquery query = ...
    query.setCacheGroups(new String[] {"g1", "g5"});


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