Re: [POLL]: Cayenne 3.0 -- Java 1.4 or 5 support?

From: Michael Gentry (
Date: Tue Aug 07 2007 - 08:54:33 EDT

  • Next message: Török Péte: "PK generation problem: uniqueness constraint violated"

    > [ ] Java 1.4 support
    > [X] Java 5 support

    Given that a big change in Cayenne 3.0 is JPA, which requires Java 5,
    this would seem to make the most sense. Cayenne 1.2/2.0 are still
    fine releases for people on Java 1.4 (which is what I'm using). Even
    the conservative financial place I'm at is putting Java 5 on their
    servers. Also, from a development perspective, it would clean up the
    Eclipse workspace -- wouldn't need to have separate project
    directories for the two different versions of Java.


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