
From: Jens Mayer (jens.mayer..mx.de)
Date: Mon Aug 20 2007 - 13:56:39 EDT

  • Next message: Jens Mayer: "Problem with self-join-relationship"


    I'm wondering about an error message:
    "Can't perform lookup. There is more than one ObjEntity mapped to class

    This is the code (as simple as possible):

    DataContext dataCtx = ....
    SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(TmpAttredit.class);
    List result = dataCtx.performQuery(query);

    The Mapping in the Modeler seems to be ok - nothing unusual here. The
    exception is only firing for 2 of my 8 ObjEntity-classes.

    what does this message means?

    I'm using cayenne 2.0.2 with jdk 1.5.0_10 and Oracle

    Thanks in advance


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