Cayenne and GMT Date and Time

From: Gary Jarrel (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2007 - 01:09:58 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Cayenne and GMT Date and Time"

    Hi All!

    I'm working on a Cayenne app, and am looking for a way to store all
    dates in the database in GMT irrespective of which locate the
    application/server is running in?

    I noticed that even when I would use the code like:

    TimeZone tzGmt = getGmtTimeZone();
    Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
    cal.get(Calendar.HOUR); //this line might not be important at all

    Then use the date object of cal.getTime() it still stores the date in
    the locate which the server running the application is configured for!

    Has anyone done anything similar?

    Thank you!


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