Re: To severe things

From: Kevin Menard (
Date: Thu Sep 13 2007 - 15:21:52 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: DataRowStore.sendUpdateNotification NullPointerException"

    Hi Jan,

    I'm snipping out a lot of just to get to a few basic questions I have.

    On 9/13/07 1:25 PM, "Jan Lendholt" <> wrote:

    > Well, this exception comes on an object with the PersistenceState =
    > Transient. The exception is thrown when in doResolveFault cayenne tries to
    > access the object's context.
    > But why? This object shouldn't even be there! In my opinion this is a bug.
    > It doesn't matter, if we delete the object with deletObject or with a delet
    > query. How can it be? It's pretty severe though.

    If possible, could you please post the code that seems to trigger the error?
    A small test case would be perfect, but showing anything would be helpful.

    > (2)
    > I try to access a mapping table again, this time we manage resources like
    > rooms, beamers etc.
    > I get all mappings and try to access via mapping.getToResource().getname()
    > the resource's name.
    > We get:
    > 19:22:49.168 WARN!! Exception for /ams?serviceId=Echo.Synchronize
    > org.apache.cayenne.FaultFailureException: [v..AYENNE_VERSION@
    >..AYENNE_BUILD_DATE@] Error resolving fault for ObjectId:
    > <ObjectId:Resource, IDRESOURCE=1> and state (hollow). Possible cause -
    > matching row is missing from the database.

    What version of Cayenne are you actually using?


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