Re: Java/Cayenne Compatible Business Rules Language: Suggestions? Velocity? (CRM Application)

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Fri Oct 05 2007 - 18:24:14 EDT

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    On 06/10/2007, at 1:13 AM, Eric Lazarus wrote:

    > I could use bean shell scripts. I could use the java version of
    > python, I suppose. I was hoping that there is a biz rule language
    > that I could use and that, ideally, someone has seen work well with
    > Cayenne objects. Ideally I would like something open source/free
    > and/or very cheap. We have budget constraints.

    I have a very similar requirement for which I was researching options
    recently. Some things I found were:

    Nothing Cayenne specific. Also, I'd add Jira to that list as an
    example to look at (which I think is based on the OfBiz engine). It
    contains a quite nice workflow concept.

    In our application we have developed a concept of 'saved find'. This
    is essentially a serialised form of a Cayenne query expression. You
    could use EJBQL ( but
    we chose to do it slightly differently since we don't want users to
    write the queries by hand but instead create them in a GUI (which
    looks a bit like many email applications' rules editor).

    If you think there is any potential to collaborate on this, please
    contact me off list. I'm happy to share what we've got so far. My
    requirements are for a reasonably simple GUI based rule designer
    rather than an infinitely flexible XML or language based approach.

    Ari Maniatis

    Aristedes Maniatis
    phone +61 2 9660 9700
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