Re: Cayenne POJO enhancer

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2007 - 10:58:59 EDT

  • Next message: Gilberto C Andrade: "Re: Cayenne POJO enhancer"

    On Oct 25, 2007, at 6:39 PM, Gilberto C Andrade wrote:

    > So, this is a good chance to help cayenne. Or are you suggesting
    > another
    > one (OpenJPA, Hibernate, TopLink, etc).

    Hehe, of course I'll suggest to help Cayenne, but you've been warned ;-)

    In other words if that's an offer to work together with Cayenne
    developers to address the things missing or broken in the JPA
    provider, we will gladly accept such help.

    > But, I can map those pojos to jpa config file by hand, can't I?

    I am not a Hibernate expert, so I don't know if there's one-to-one
    mapping between Hibernate and JPA annotations across the board. But
    it appears that there is at least a close match. From your example:

    Hibernate: generator-class="sequence" column="cdarea" unsaved-
    value = "null"
    @hibernate.generator-param name = "sequence" value =



    Unfortunately this is also an example of an annotation currently
    ignored by Cayenne provider (i.e. the one that still needs to be
    bridged with Cayenne runtime), so that gives a glimpse of the
    limitations you'll have to deal with.

    As for the documentation, I suggest the JPA spec [1] for the full
    list of annotations. There's also a number of recent books on EJB3
    and more specifically JPA.



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