Re: Cayenne POJO enhancer

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2007 - 11:56:01 EDT

  • Next message: Gilberto C Andrade: "Re: Cayenne POJO enhancer"

    On Oct 25, 2007, at 7:36 PM, Gilberto C Andrade wrote:
    >> In other words if that's an offer to work together with Cayenne
    >> developers to address the things missing or broken in the JPA
    >> provider,
    >> we will gladly accept such help.
    > That's the intention! We hope to help and not bring more problem!

    Very cool. I would suggest to subscribe to the Cayenne dev list when
    things comes to discussion of the needed Cayenne improvements.

    > We don't want to use the hibernate tags! Our idea was ignore them and
    > map it by hand or with cayenne help.
    > Just think as there not exists any hibernate tag, only the POJO api.
    > How can we map and use them as is?


    >> As for the documentation, I suggest the JPA spec [1] for the full
    >> list
    >> of annotations.
    > All this new thing are annotations dependent?

    Ok, I think now I see what you are getting at. We currently advertise
    using either traditional Cayenne API (i.e. inherit from
    CayenneDataObject) or JPA-compatible POJOs (that require either
    annotations or JPA XML descriptor).

    But there is a less-known middle-ground option - POJO's working with
    traditional Cayenne API. If I understand correctly you'd prefer this
    option? As we've placed most of the 3.0 effort into JPA, this has
    been somewhat neglected, but it is still a workable solution. Let me
    elaborate on it a bit:

    * It does NOT require annotations.
    * It does require regular Cayenne mapping created with CayenneModeler.
    * It does require class enhancement.

    Here is one simple example - our POJO integration tests subproject:

    As you may see, it has a regular Cayenne .map.xml on the classpath,
    and starts with the agent option: "-javaagent:cayenne-agent-3.0-


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