Some design questions

From: Tarik (
Date: Sun Nov 18 2007 - 14:57:54 EST

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: [POLL]: Cayenne 3.0 -- Java 1.4 or 5 support?"


    I have been trying the cayenne ROP features and am considering using it for
    a project which requires multiple (swing) clients to connect to an
    application server. I have got it to work for a simple example. Now I have
    some more design questions.

    - Can a client app register to listen for changes on server object? Since
    there will be multiple clients, I want changes made by one client to appear
    on the others without them having to refresh.
    - I will need to create a number of JTables with data coming from the
    server. Has anyone done some labor-saving work around automatically
    displaying cayenne object data in a JTable? (It would be awesome if it
    allowed traversing associations, adding /removing columns / applying
    filters, etc.)
    - What kind of locking does data context provide? say i have two threads
    updating an object and one commits first and stales the object. What will
    happen when the second thread tries to commit.
    - Is there a know throughput limit in terms of transactions per second with
    the hessian web service?

    Thank you,

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