Cayenneand Thread-Bound DataContext

From: Oilid Adsi (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2007 - 03:59:33 EST

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Cayenneand Thread-Bound DataContext"


    I tried to use a Thread-Bound DataContext with Cayenne 2.0.3

    public DataContext getDataContext() {
            try {
                    logger.debug("trying to get threaded-data-context for
    thread " + Thread.currentThread());
                    return DataContext.getThreadDataContext();
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                    logger.debug("no threaded data-context, creating one");
                    DataContext context = DataContext.createDataContext();
                    logger.debug("binding new dataContext to current-thread
    " + Thread.currentThread());
                    return context;

    But with this construct I noticed the following behaviour:

    If I'm sending a "wrong" INSERT-statement by the web-frontend the first
    time I will get a right error/exception (MysqlDataTruncation).
    Afterwards I send again a second request with a right dataset to be
    inserted in the DB which would not fail normally.
    But because of the threaded dataContext the old/first task (which is
    wrong) is still binded in the second request.

    Here is the part of the log for the second request:

    2007-10-15 13:06:14,921 [http-8080-2] [INFO ] [] QueryLogger - INSERT
    INTO insured_event (accessory, all_data_complete, article_number,
    collection_date, confirmation_of_receipt, contract_id,
    contribution_customer_amount, contribution_tariff_amount,
    cover_note_date, created, customer_id, damage_category_id, damage_date,
    device_provider, device_type, event_state_id, imei, incoming_date,
    insured_event_closed_date, insured_event_type_id, police_reference,
    police_report, repair_cost_amount, subst_device_provider,
    subst_device_type, updated, valuation_price_amount, workflow_reference)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
    ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

    2007-10-15 13:06:14,937 [http-8080-2] [INFO ] [] QueryLogger - [bind:
    '', 'false', NULL, NULL, 'false',
    '2007-10-15 13:06:04.578', 'AEkARAAjAE0AQwBbADMAMgAyADcAMwA1ADYAXQAA..',
    3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, '351453207158847', '2007-10-16 00:00:00.0',
    NULL, 2, '', 'false', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2007-10-15 13:06:04.578', NULL,

    2007-10-15 13:06:14,937 [http-8080-2] [INFO ] [] QueryLogger - ===
    updated 1 row.

    2007-10-15 13:06:14,937 [http-8080-2] [INFO ] [] QueryLogger - [bind:
    '', 'false', NULL, NULL, 'false',
    '2007-10-15 13:05:44.734', 'AEkARAAjAE0AQwBbADMAMgAyADcAMwA1ADYAXQAA..',
    3, NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, '351453207158847', '2007-10-16 00:00:00.0',
    NULL, 2, '', 'false', NULL, NULL, NULL, '2007-10-15 13:05:44.734', NULL,

    2007-10-15 13:06:14,953 [http-8080-2] [INFO ] [] QueryLogger - ***

    com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data truncated; out
    of range for column 'contribution_tariff_amount' at row 1

    The value "326.0" is right and "5000.0" is the wrong one.

    Is this a bug or an excepted behaviour?
    Is this reproducible for you?

    BTW: The servlet filter in the web.xml is set in this scenario

    Thanks for help!


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