CayenneRuntimeException: Can't find id

From: Daniel Kvasnička jr. (
Date: Mon Jan 14 2008 - 15:07:43 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: CayenneRuntimeException: Can't find id"

    Hi people,
    I've bumped into an error with cayenne 2.0.4 and the only similar
    things I found were this message
    and the bug CAY-643 (and those linked to it).

    What I do is that I load a page with paginated query (list of
    articles, first 10), then I hit "new article" on the page, create and
    save the article and return back to the list.
    Then I paginate to find the newly added article and when I enter the
    page it is on and the page is the last page at the same time, I get
    the CayenneRuntimeException with "Can't find id for [the newly added
    article]" (i.e. when I set sorting to, let's say, by ID DESC -- which
    puts the new article to the first page -- everythong is OK on all

    I understand there is the problem with long vs. int and that it will
    be fixed in 3.0, so how can I as a user prevent this error in 2.0.4?
    This seems to me like a very common scenario in listing records and
    doing CRUD operations, but it seems almost nobody encounters this. Do
    you guys adandon pagination and use raw sql?

    I wanted to try 3.0M2, but when using it Stripes couldn't find any
    ActionBeans url mappings -- strange.

    Thanks for all hints in advance,

    -- -- webdesign & corporate design,
    programování internetových a intranetových aplikací

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