Re: Questions about Ordering, Optimistic Locking and QueryTable

From: Adrian Wiesmann (
Date: Mon May 19 2008 - 02:18:06 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Thelian: "Re: Deadlock between commitChanges and snapshotsUpdatedForObjects"

    On Mon, 19 May 2008 09:19:26 +1000
    Aristedes Maniatis <> wrote:

    > There should be something coming soon with inheritance, but there were
    > no plans to support persistent objects with no database backing at
    > all. There is going to be the opposite concept: abstract classes which
    > have a database table, but which can only be constructed in their
    > subclass.
    > Tell us more about why it would be useful to have data objects which
    > cannot be persisted to the database.

    I guess my usage scenario is very specific to my environment. But let me
    introduce my environment and let you decide.

    I have written a UI renderer and data binding engine (Gozer). For that
    engine to work I introduced the Domain Model, Table Module and Record Set
    patterns and DataObjectKeys to Cayenne (at least to some extent). I did so
    with my own code generator which generates datarows, datarowkeys and table
    modules to every ObjEntity modeled with the Cayenne modeler.

    For the data binding I use then these table modules. Let's say I have a
    table with users. I can then bind that table to the UI like that:

    <list databinding=..ser">
       <list_field databinding="username" />

    My UI engine is interpreting the binding information so that the UI
    renders a list of users with the only field in the list containing the

    Which means that whenever I display data on the UI, I am using the same
    databinding which makes use of my datatable and datarow objects.

    Now to the QueryTable problem: Many applications have some form of user
    input where a user can enter search criteria and then use that criteria to
    filter a list of records or search data in the database. Since my UI
    engine knows how to render my table modules and datarows, I would love to
    use the same mechanism for query interfaces (a huge time saver).

    To extend my example from above: I could introduce a UserQueryTable with a
    field UserName. I could then define a view which binds that table. The
    user enters a username and when clicking on the search button I could read
    the content from the UserQueryTable and construct the query from the
    content of that table. Side effect, all my queries would be
    "standardised" and whenever I need to search for users in my application
    I can use the same interface (UserQueryTable) which is then sent to the
    UserQuery Business Object which handles the querying in a central
    location (domain model pattern).

    Of course I could solve that problem in creating ObjEntity which have
    a corresponding table in the database (which is never used). But I find
    this to be very ugly...

    Hope this explained my scenario.


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