Relationships of unsaved object

From: Michał Morzywołek (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2008 - 08:34:45 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: Relationships of unsaved object"

    How should i handle relationships of unsaved objects?

    Let's say i got 2 classes: Person and Address. They are connected with
    one-to-one relationship.
    Problem is that after creating new object: Person (in normal way):

    Person p=new Person(); //not registered in cayenne

    after doing that i can't set any relationships (like with the address). (1)

    After i register Person p in Cayenne i can set up relationships but only
    with registered objects. (2)

    Is there any way to do such things? (1)(2)
    Or it is supposed to be like that?

    I'm testing Hibernate, compering it with Cayenne and i miss Hibernate's
    cascade savings.
    In Hibernate i create:
    Person p=new Person();
    p.setAddress=new Address();

    and p is saved (with the address)

    Is there any way do do such things in Cayenne?

    Thank you all,
    Mike :)

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