help: Why is there validation w/ a delete action

From: Chad Smith (
Date: Thu Jul 03 2008 - 10:45:08 EDT

  • Next message: Scott Anderson: "RE: help: Why is there validation w/ a delete action"

    Can someone tell me why I get a "Cayenne validation" exception when I'm
    trying to delete an object? Here is the stack trace ...

    Caused by: org.apache.cayenne.validation.ValidationException: [v.2.0.3
    May 6 2007] Validation has failed.
    Validation failure for com.gteam.gtools.knowledgeBase.Topic.updateDate:
    "updateDate" is required.
    Validation failure for com.gteam.gtools.knowledgeBase.Topic.topic:
    "topic" is required.
    Validation failure for com.gteam.gtools.knowledgeBase.Topic.validFlag:
    "validFlag" is required.
    Validation failure for
    com.gteam.gtools.knowledgeBase.Topic.updateUserId: "updateUserId" is
        at com.gteam.gtools.cayenne.CayenneDao.delete(


    ... here is the code that generates the exception ...

    DAO class ...

        public boolean deleteTopic(int topicId) throws DataAccessException {
            Topic topic = loadTopic(topicId);
            return true;

    DAO super class ...

        public boolean delete(Object object) throws DataAccessException {
            if (Transaction.getThreadTransaction() == null) {
                if (debug)
                    log.debug("CayenneDao >>> thread transaction not present
            } else {
                if (debug)
                    log.debug("CayenneDao >>> thread transaction present
    commit deferred");
            return true;
    ... all my DAO's subclass a CayenneDao object.

    It's not at all clear to me why validation happens on a delete event ???

    thanks in advance.


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