Re: Cayenne named query problem on Oracle 10g

From: Malcolm Edgar (
Date: Fri Jul 18 2008 - 01:48:55 EDT

  • Next message: Laurent Marchal: "Queries order on commit."

    Hi Parth,

    I would recommend that you provide more contextual information for
    this issue. A stacktrace, a describe of the table, what Oracle
    database version and JDBC driver you are using.

    regards Malcolm Edgar

    On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Parth Pandya <> wrote:
    > Hi All,
    > I've hit a problem in executing a named query in cayenne 3 m4 release.
    > I posted on the group last week that I'm getting
    > error regarding the CLOB but I've found that the exception is thrown for
    > all named queries in cayenne.
    > My previous post are at -
    > Here is my SQL:
    > SELECT s.submission_oid, s.submission_code, s.submission_status,
    > s.form_version_oid, s.creation_user, s.creation_timestamp,
    > s.modification_user, s.modification_timestamp, s.assigned_user
    > FROM submission s WHERE submission_oid IN
    > (SELECT DISTINCT submission_oid FROM submission_version WHERE
    > submission_status = 'Submitted' AND creation_user = 1)
    > ORDER BY s.modification_timestamp DESC
    > I'm expecting few varchar2, timestamp and numeric fields out of this
    > query and I always get the exception.
    > Can anyone please suggest a workaround/fix??
    > Thanks a lot,
    > Parth

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