Re: Handling of database NULL - default value column to modeler?

From: Øyvind Harboe (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2008 - 09:34:49 EDT

  • Next message: Øyvind Harboe: "Re: Handling of database NULL - default value column to modeler?"

    On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 2:44 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    > So this is not about syncing with DB defaults?


    > Then I think that's over-engineered. Would it be easier to simply override
    > needed getters per entity class and do "return super is null ? defaultVal :
    > super", without changing Cayenne core?

    That of course gives the user no user interface to
    browse through the model to figure out how defaults are handled +
    scatters boilerplate code all over the subclasses.

    Perhaps there is some other way to achieve this?

    The crucial bit is to be able to tabulate handling of default values. Perhaps
    use a custom base class for all the CayenneDataObject subclasses and
    override readProperty() to handle null pointers via a lookup...

    Øyvind Harboe
    ARM7 ARM9 XScale Cortex
    JTAG debugger and flash programmer

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