Is registerNewObject() required?

From: Chris Murphy (
Date: Mon Sep 01 2008 - 02:57:15 EDT

  • Next message: Michał Morzywołek: "Re: Is registerNewObject() required?"

    I have a relationship between two entities whereby a Worker references
    another Worker. The name of the relationship is 'actualBelongsToGroup'.
    When I try to set one on the other using this relationship, Cayenne baulks:

    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

    The problem occurs because getDataContext() on the <being set> worker is
    returning null.

    Do I have to dataContext.registerNewObject( <being set worker>) on the
    <being set worker> before calling setActualBelongsToGroup( <another
    worker>) on it?

    What is the philosophy here? I thought I would be able to put together a
    graph of objects, without regard to persistence issues, then later
    register them, then commit?

    thanks - Chris

    Seaweed Software Pty Ltd,

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