Re: Insert at a particular position in the detail list

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri Sep 26 2008 - 11:04:41 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Murphy: "Re: Insert at a particular position in the detail list"

    > I can check into how they handle the non-explicit-ordering-column
    > case if you'd like.

    I would appreciate that. Maybe that join is their answer. Not pretty
    at all.

    > Interestingly, by default, a one-to-many relationship in hibernate
    > is still handled through an intermediary join table.
    > You can override that, of course, but I thought it a curious default.

    Ugh, I am sure it sucks for the (unsuspecting) users.


    On Sep 26, 2008, at 6:01 PM, Robert Zeigler wrote:

    > HIbernate actually handles this.
    > When you define a relationship as a list, hibernate ensures that the
    > items are always fetched in the same order.
    > I haven't dug into the details of how to do this. I know its
    > possible to explicitly declare a "sort column", but generally
    > unnecessary;
    > I assume that in the absence of an explicit sort column, hibernate
    > (silently) adds a sort column for you.
    > I can check into how they handle the non-explicit-ordering-column
    > case if you'd like.
    > Interestingly, by default, a one-to-many relationship in hibernate
    > is still handled through an intermediary join table.
    > You can override that, of course, but I thought it a curious
    > default. That said, by silently handling relationships that way,
    > it would allow them to add the sort information to the join table,
    > which has no object corollary so your object model is uncluttered.
    > Robert
    > On Sep 26, 2008, at 9/269:48 AM , Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >> On Sep 26, 2008, at 2:41 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
    >>> Wouldn't it be a good idea for the generated methods to have the
    >>> extra int argument?
    >> It is a bit more involved than that. The problem with including
    >> this in Cayenne is that it won't work in a more general case. E.g.
    >> if you add an object at a particular index, and the master object
    >> is later invalidated and refetched, the order will be lost. Or if
    >> it is refetched by another user. So Scott's answer was essentially
    >> correct.
    >> We tried to solve it from another angle, by defining a certain
    >> column as the "ordering" column to instruct Cayenne to order
    >> fetched relationship lists. It is still on the table, but it is
    >> also hairy...
    >> For now I can't think of a clean generic solution that would map to
    >> a DB. The ordering column is the closest I can think of.
    >> Thanks,
    >> Andrus

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