Re: Insert at a particular position in the detail list

From: Chris Murphy (
Date: Sun Sep 28 2008 - 11:04:26 EDT

  • Next message: Laurent Marchal: "Re: 3.0M4 : Fetching from relationship returns TRANSIENT objects."

    That's why I was focusing only on the list being able to act like a
    list. In my application refreshing the detail list from the DB already
    keeps the ordering - and the user wouldn't care about a different
    ordering coming up for the next program invocation - as RosterSlots
    within Worker is an inherently unordered concept. Perhaps my program's
    UI design isn't perfect - and the user shouldn't be able to insert at a
    particular point in the list - but I'm not going to change that now.

    The inability of the detail list to act like a list is hardly a
    show-stopper for me however - writing those special methods on the
    server and client versions of the Worker DO works fine...

    - Chris

    Michael Gentry wrote:
    > I've never found it onerous in Cayenne (or EOF) to apply a sort
    > ordering if I care about the ordering of the returned results in a
    > to-many. Maybe it is just because I understand that the List will be
    > ordered, by default, in whatever sequence the database returned the
    > records. If I need to order things differently, I can do it at the
    > database level or provide cover methods to order by any attribute I
    > choose in memory -- even after adding new records.
    > For the cases where an ordering is maintained in the database (by
    > adding an integer column, for example), it is pretty trivial to add
    > that column to order-by to your query. And one can always create the
    > query/ordering in the Modeler to ensure the ordering is always applied
    > (assuming a common query).
    > I guess I just don't see this as a problem that is in dire need of
    > being "solved". In the Hibernate training class I took, one of the
    > complaints was all the different modeling options of the to-many
    > relationship. The developers I know just wanted a list of objects.
    > They just wanted to call getArtists() and have it work and be simple
    > to set up. Something that could be iterated over and could be sorted
    > later if they wanted, but the sorting was internal.
    > I didn't mean for this to be a rant, but at some level you have to
    > know where the ORM and DB demarcation line is. Cayenne (and other
    > ORMs) can do a lot to minimize the work done, but I think the current
    > approach is great for the overwhelming majority of use-cases. And it
    > is trivial for a developer to add an integer-column to a table and
    > maintain a position in it for apps that need it (like maintaining a
    > queue). Cayenne works great for that, too, with minimal code having
    > to be written to support it.
    > mrg
    > On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Andrus Adamchik <> wrote:
    >> That's a good point - we are trying to bridge the gap between OO and RDB
    >> worlds in a best possible way. And I wish we could do a reasonable ordering
    >> implementation (and without a join table). Otherwise the java.util.List
    >> "contract" is indeed broken.
    >> Andrus

    Seaweed Software Pty Ltd,

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