Re: ROP - server DOs to client DOs failure

From: Chris Murphy (
Date: Tue Sep 30 2008 - 13:25:04 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: ROP - server DOs to client DOs failure"

    Using 3.0 and setting Java Type for RosterSlot the in the Modeller to a
    boolean, then generating the classes, then getting rid of the extra
    methods - fixed the problem.

    One slightly strange thing I noticed. In the client version the
    generated class is:
    public boolean getMonthlyRestart()
    but on the server version it is:
    public boolean isMonthlyRestart()

    Shouldn't the signatures be the same?

    thanks - Chris

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > Can't say for sure what this is, but can you try it with 3.0?
    > BTW, 3.0 supports direct mapping of primitive booleans (boolean for
    > the ObjAttribute; BOOLEAN for the DbAttribute; TINYINT in MySQL)
    > Andrus
    > On Sep 30, 2008, at 8:10 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
    >> I have a problem that occurs when a fetch is done from the ROP
    >> client, which causes the server to load client DOs using the values
    >> from server DOs:
    >> <
    >> Can not set java.lang.Byte field
    >> to java.lang.Integer
    >> >
    >> I have checked that all the latest code and mapping information is on
    >> the Tomcat server. The problem occurs when re-fetching a RosterSlot
    >> that the client application created. What is interesting is that if I
    >> reboot Tomcat then everything works as expected - showing that the
    >> new RosterSlot did in fact make it successfully into the database. So
    >> it is a ROP database refresh problem.
    >> Is there anything else I need to check, or some easy way of debugging
    >> this? _RosterSlot.monthlyRestart is a Byte variable in both client
    >> and server versions of the DO. I do have methods on the subclasses
    >> that serve to convert between Byte/Integer/boolean:
    >> public boolean isMonthlyRestart()
    >> {
    >> boolean result = true;
    >> if(getMonthlyRestart().intValue() == 0)
    >> {
    >> result = false;
    >> }
    >> return result;
    >> }
    >> public void setMonthlyRestart( boolean b)
    >> {
    >> if(b)
    >> {
    >> setMonthlyRestart( Utils.ONE.byteValue());
    >> }
    >> else
    >> {
    >> setMonthlyRestart( Utils.ZERO.byteValue());
    >> }
    >> }
    >> From the Modeller I can see that MONTHLYRESTART is a TINYINT in the
    >> MySql database and in the DO the Java Type is a Byte.
    >> thanks - Chris
    >> Some of the stack trace from the client:
    >> org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: [v.2.0.4 October 8 2007]
    >> Remote error. URL -
    >> http://localhost:8080/cayenneRemoteService/cayenne-service; CAUSE -
    >> Can not set java.lang.Byte field
    >> to java.lang.Integer
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.remote.hessian.HessianConnection.doSendMessage(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.remote.BaseConnection.sendMessage(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.remote.ClientChannel.send(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.remote.ClientChannel.onQuery(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.util.ObjectContextQueryAction.runQuery(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.CayenneContextQueryAction.execute(
    >> at org.apache.cayenne.CayenneContext.onQuery(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.CayenneContext.performQuery(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.util.RelationshipFault.resolveFromDB(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.util.PersistentObjectList.resolvedObjectList(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.util.PersistentObjectList.iterator(
    >> at org.strandz.lgpl.extent.ActualList.iterator(
    >> Some of the stack trace from the server:
    >> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set
    >> java.lang.Byte field
    >> to java.lang.Integer
    >> at
    >> sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(
    >> at
    >> sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(
    >> at
    >> sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl.set(
    >> at java.lang.reflect.Field.set(
    >> at
    >> at
    >> at
    >> at
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.util.ObjectDetachOperation$1.visitProperty(
    >> at
    >> at
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.util.ObjectDetachOperation.detach(
    >> at
    >> org.apache.cayenne.access.ClientServerChannelQueryAction.toClientObjects(
    >> --
    >> Seaweed Software Pty Ltd,

    Seaweed Software Pty Ltd,

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