Re: Duplicate table names?

From: Andreas Pardeike (
Date: Fri Nov 21 2008 - 04:23:19 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Duplicate table names?"

    On 20 nov 2008, at 23.58, Michael Gentry wrote:

    > Have you tried having 3 DataMaps? You could put each in a separate
    > DataMap and I think that would be OK. You'd also need 3 distinct Java
    > classes (one for each). Cayenne would want this, anyway, so that it
    > would know how to route reads/inserts/updates.

    I tried multiple datamaps and the modeler still complains. The field
    the duplicate table name is red and does not save.

    The following does not work and I have no clue why:

    - DefaultDomain
       +- domain1_map1
       | |
       | +- DbEntity: SCHEME1.TEST
       +- domain1_map2
          +- DbEntity: SCHEME2.TEST


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