Cayenne 3.0M5 released today

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2008 - 09:21:51 EST

  • Next message: Theresa Stewart: "RE: Cayenne 3.0M5 released today"

    Milestone 5 marks another set of major achievements for the Cayenne
    ORM library. A successful GSoC project resulted in lots of very useful
    improvements to the Cayenne Modeler. It is looking better than ever,
    with time saving features such as autocomplete, copy/paste, syntax
    colouring and much more. Cayenne core has had a host of bug fixes to
    ROP and EJBQL in particular, but also fixes and new features across
    many areas. Database reverse engineering is also considerably improved.

    As always, continue to use Cayenne 2 if you want a stable release with
    a proven history, however Cayenne 3 is in use in a number of live
    commercial deployments with great success and stability. As we getting
    closer to the final 3.0 release, there aren't any API changes in
    3.0M5, so upgrading from 3.0M4 should be painless. We recommend all
    users of 3.0 milestones upgrade to this release. If you are upgrading
    from 2.x, then please read the release notes [1].

    M5 Release notes [2]
    Download [3]

    Please send us your feedback, bug reports and feature requests. We've
    enjoyed creating this release and we hope it helps you create exciting
    websites, applications and tools.


    Ari Maniatis

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Mon Dec 15 2008 - 09:30:57 EST