Cayenne 101

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Fri Dec 26 2008 - 12:32:54 EST

  • Next message: Pierre Lavignotte: "Re: Cayenne 101"

    I have a few questions about best practices. I have done some
    experimenting, have read what I could find, and have some questions
    about some elementary Cayenne usage concerning Add & Delete with a
    Parent-ChildList design. (I have recently experienced some odd
    behavior that may be due to a fundamental misunderstanding of
    DataContext rules.)

    Environment: I am using 3.0 M4 with MySQL and Tomcat JSP
    DataContext: I am getting the context using:
    Example Design:
            E1 has a list of E2's
    that is:
            E2 is a child of E1 and is a many-to-one relationship.
            The E1 relationship is called "E2List" and the reverse relationship
    on E2 is called "E1".

    1. When creating and associating E2 children is it more proper to do
    the following:

            DataContext dc = DataContext.getThreadDataContext();
            ** [get E1 via a DataContext query]
            E2 e2 = new E2();
            e2.setE1(e1); // I **assume** this registers e2 with the Context &
    adds e2 to e1's list

    OR do you need to do as your example suggests:

            DataContext dc = DataContext.getThreadDataContext();
            E2 e2 = (E2) dc.newObject(E2.class);

    OR is there a better way?

    2. Removal of a Child
    Can you remove the child using:
            DataContext dc = DataContext.getThreadDataContext();

    or must you do it via the parent:
            DataContext dc = DataContext.getThreadDataContext();

    (Note: the second method seems to work better.)


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