Re: Qualifier Expression

From: Robert Zeigler (
Date: Sat Mar 14 2009 - 17:36:02 EDT

  • Next message: Dave Lamy: "Re: Qualifier Expression"

    On Mar 14, 2009, at 3/144:22 PM , Joe Baldwin wrote:

    > Robert,
    > I am attempting a test but lost you on your Qualifier step.
    >> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Entity1.class);
    > This is easy.
    >> query.setQualifier(ExpressionFactory.matchExp(Entity1.EN|
    >> TITY2_PROPERTY,entity2));//where ENTITY2_PROPERTY is the name of
    >> object property in entity1 that points to entity2
    > I don't follow this step. You are obviously using the
    > ExpressionFactory to create a qualifier expression for the query but
    > I don't follow the match expression.
    > Lets say that entity1 is "Customer" and entity2 is "Detail". So the
    > code snippet would be
    > ExpressionFactory.matchExp(Customer.DETAIL_PROPERTY, entity2)
    > I don't understand what entity2 stands for in this example. In
    > addition, I am trying to select based on the contents of the entity2
    > field, so I am even more confused as to how this would accomplish
    > that objective.

    Ok, Customer -> Detail.
    I'm still a little unclear on exactly what you're trying to do, based
    on your comment "based on the contents of the entity2 field", so I'll
    step through two scenarios:

    1) You have a "detail" object reference, and you want to get the
    corresponding "customer".
    Then entity2 would be your detail object.
    ExpressionFactory.matchExp() takes a property path as its first
    argument and the corresponding value to match as its second.

    Of course, if this is a two-sided one-to-one (detail has a property
    for customer, as well as customer having a property for detail), then
    you could always just do:
    detail.getCustomer(); :)

    2) You have some information related to a property of detail, say,
    So the property path, from customer, might look like:
    "detail.description" (assuming customer is the root object of the
    property path).
    Or, you could write it as:
    So you could do:
    ExpressionFactory.matchExp(Customer.DETAIL_PROPERTY + "." +
    Detail.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY,"the description string")
    Or you could use a like expression:
    ExpressionFactory.likeExp(Customer.DETAIL_PROPERTY + "." +
    Detail.DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY,"the description to partial match");//<--
    add % wildcards yourself here.



    >> List<Entity1> e1 = objectContext.performQuery(query);//note:
    >> perform query is NOT generified, so you'll get a warning here.
    > This seems easy as well.
    > Thanks,
    > Joe
    > On Mar 14, 2009, at 3:53 PM, Robert Zeigler wrote:
    >> Hi Joe,
    >> How about:
    >> SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Entity1.class);
    >> query.setQualifier(ExpressionFactory.matchExp(Entity1.EN|
    >> TITY2_PROPERTY,entity2));//where ENTITY2_PROPERTY is the name of
    >> object property in entity1 that points to entity2
    >> List<Entity1> e1 = objectContext.performQuery(query);//note:
    >> perform query is NOT generified, so you'll get a warning here.
    >> Robert
    >> On Mar 14, 2009, at 3/141:29 PM , Joe Baldwin wrote:
    >>> I am attempting to create the simplest Cayenne-expedient method of
    >>> doing the following query. (I can easily do this in SQL but am a
    >>> tad confused with the Cayenne Expression method.)
    >>> I have an Entity (E1) with a one to one relationship with a second
    >>> entity (E2). I would like to perform a SELECT Query with a filter
    >>> on one of the fields of the relationship-entity (E2.F1) and return
    >>> a list of the first entity (E1List).
    >>> What is the most efficient Cayenne way to do this? (I am still a
    >>> bit confused concerning how to construct efficient queries in the
    >>> object domain vs the relational domain.)
    >>> Thanks,
    >>> Joe

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