Re: How to map/model files?

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Sat Mar 21 2009 - 17:49:18 EDT

  • Next message: Aristedes Maniatis: "Re: How to map/model files?"


    > How to model/map files (with their content) e.g. in webapplications?
    > What is the best practice?
    > (1) To put their content as blob fully in the DB plus fields for
    > properties,
    > or
    > (2) to put the metadata about files only in the DB and the content
    > in a file system?
    > or
    > (3) other solution?
    > The second one seems to be the most efficient, but than the entire
    > transaction
    > support is lost :(.
    > What's the best solution with Cayenne?

    A lot of people have this question when investigating the current
    state of technology. My opinion is based on the last time I
    investigated the same options. With the new databases as well as
    Cayenne you could certainly manage BLOB's via the database. The
    problem is not the storage issue, it is the usage issue once you
    retrieve the object. The web languages are much more friendly to file
    system references and less friendly to blob references. It can be
    done (and I have done it), but it is not pretty. :)

    My preference (and it seems to be fairly efficient), is to continue
    with the standard design pattern of storing metadata (file-path, etc)
    in the database and storing the file in the filesystem. You can them
    make programatic references much easier.

    > The second one seems to be the most efficient, but than the entire
    > transaction support is lost :(.

    Not sure what you mean by "transaction support", so I can't comment on

    If you have special needs for your users, then the best course of
    action is to build a end-to-end test with a simple representative
    object, and see for yourself which way works for you.


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