Re: How to map/model files?

From: Joseph Schmidt (
Date: Sat Mar 21 2009 - 19:05:49 EDT

  • Next message: Joe Baldwin: "Re: How to map/model files?"

    >> How to model/map files (with their content) e.g. in webapplications?
    >> What is the best practice?
    >> (1) To put their content as blob fully in the DB plus fields for
    >> properties,
    >> or
    >> (2) to put the metadata about files only in the DB and the content
    >> in a file system?
    >> or
    >> (3) other solution?
    >> The second one seems to be the most efficient, but than the entire
    >> transaction
    >> support is lost :(.
    > Cayenne itself doesn't care too much either way. I suspect your decision
    > will come to things outside Cayenne such as:
    Well, I hoped Cayenne has some solution for such a common problem, e.g.
    to allow
    to handle those "files" as simple persistent entities (something similar
    to extend types), like all the other entities (since they are in
    relationship) :).

    > * do you wish to end up with these blobs in memory or can you avoid that
    > by streaming directly from disk
    Of course: as less memory as possible :).

    > (eg. through Apache httpd without
    > touching Java)
    I need a pure Java solution, no httpd, ajp connectors etc. :(.

    > * how will your database cope?
    > * how will your database backup processes cope?
    Ideally I wouldn't care much about the database (that's why I'm trying
    to adopt an ORM as a layer over it :) ).
    E.g. This
    would allow to care less about the DB :).
    Also, an ANT task similar to Cayenne but to hide this entire
    backup/restore mess, would be ideal e.g. "cbackup/crestore" :).

    > * how will you manage the files on the file system? Will people touch
    > them without going through your code and therefore break the links
    > between the metadata and the files?
    Most webapplations are on some remote server, so users can access them
    only with the web UI. Unfortunately this is not as good as if they're
    part of the Cayenne DataContext transaction.

    Thank you,

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