Re: Relationships without FK constraints?

From: Joseph Schmidt (
Date: Fri Mar 27 2009 - 13:22:29 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Relationships without FK constraints?"

    > I don't reverse engineer often, but I
    > believe if the constraints
    > aren't defined in the DB, then the reverse engineering
    > process has no
    > way of knowing about the relationship,
    Well, it could, based on the naming conventions: e.g.
    "artist_id" from any table is a relation to "artists" table.
    When doing reverse engineering there is the SmartNamingStrategy selectable, that I think is supposed to do exactly this kind of convention based recognition.
    At least from it's test class:
    it looks like it's trying to test something in this direction.



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