Import DataMap?

From: Dave Lamy (
Date: Fri Mar 27 2009 - 22:49:22 EDT

  • Next message: Juergen Saar: "Re: Relationships without FK constraints?"

    Hey guys--

    I noticed a menu item in the Modeller (using 3.0 M5) called Import DataMap.
    Not sure, but guessing I could use this.. I have a DataMap that has core
    data classes that I'd like to copy or ideally share across client projects.
    Thought perhaps I could import that map into the client-based cayenne.xml.

    Problem is that I get an error whenever I try to do the import. Tells me
    "Error reading DataMap: [ver/time] Can't find data Map <path-to-map.xml>".

    Not sure what the issue is.. I've tried copying the core file into the same
    directory as cayenne.xml in case it was relatively pathed or something.
    Anyway, is there a fix for this? Raw XML example even (can't find a DTD or
    XSD)? Will this even work?


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