Re: Relationships without FK constraints?

From: Joe Baldwin (
Date: Sat Mar 28 2009 - 13:17:43 EDT

  • Next message: Joseph Schmidt: "Conditional relationship mapping?"


    > The main issue is however that the user is forced to use what it's
    > there - e.g. "legacy" DBs, or to schemes that belong to other
    > applications too (e.g. RoR).

    Where there are "legacy" problems, there are always "work-around"
    solutions. :) If your designer allows you to modify the DB design,
    then you could always programatically duplicate the table and add the
    FK at that point. (This should be fairly straight-forward and simple
    using Cayenne.)

    Somehow though, I suspect your "legacy" design will disallow this sort
    of mod.

    Hibernate claims to use convention-based inferential binding, though I
    do not know if they support your specific needs.


    On Mar 28, 2009, at 12:10 PM, Joseph Schmidt wrote:

    >> "Convention over Configuration" can be useful (and fast) in
    >> simple implementations (ex: JSP form assignments) but may
    >> still be a bit too "fuzzy" for the larger scaleable
    >> projects.
    >> These are my current opinions. I am interested in how
    >> others look at it.
    > The main issue is however that the user is forced to use what it's
    > there - e.g. "legacy" DBs, or to schemes that belong to other
    > applications too (e.g. RoR).
    > Convention over Configuration is however very used these days even
    > in large projects, so it would be a really great it Cayenne Modeler
    > could simply pick them :).
    > Joseph.

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