Best Practices Question

From: Ylan Segal (
Date: Mon Apr 20 2009 - 15:30:51 EDT

  • Next message: Nikos Paraschou: "Question about Caching."

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to Cayenne. I was looking at the examples in the wiki,
    especially at the pet store:

    So far, I like what I see. The above page does mention that the pet
    store example "... definitely needs a rewrite and DB redesign before
    we can call it Cayenne Best Practices Demo."

    Why isn't it a best practice? Because of the DB design or because of
    how Cayenne classes are used? The overall app design (one domain
    package, one DAO package, one presentation package) seems reasonable
    to me. I would be designing a DB schema from scratch for a web
    application (probably with struts), and I am thinking of following the
    example pattern, assuming that pattern is not what needs rewriting!
    Can anyone suggest best practices for this type of situation? I am
    looking for more of a "what packages should we have" discussion rather
    than a "this is how you save an object to the database" discussion.

    I hope this makes sense.

    Ylan Segal

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