Re: abstract entities, inheritance, etc.

From: Aristedes Maniatis (
Date: Thu Apr 23 2009 - 21:53:25 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Zeigler: "Re: abstract entities, inheritance, etc."

    On 24/04/2009, at 9:53 AM, Robert Zeigler wrote:

    > I expected the Entry subclass of _Entry, and superclass of the other
    > two concrete classes to be abstract. Instead, only the
    > cayenne-"managed" superclass was abstract.
    > It seems like there's very little point to that: nobody is going to
    > try to directly instantiate _Entry, anyway. And I can't put
    > abstract methods that subclasses should implement into _Entry, since
    > they'll be lost on class regeneration. I guess it's a matter of
    > expectations: by checking "isabstract", I expect cayenne to treat
    > that object entity as abstract... and not try to instantiate it. :)

    Is this fix as simple as changing the DOtemplate for the subclass? Now
    I understand your point and I think you are right that it is broken,
    but the fix should be one line in the template.

    To some degree it might make sense for the _Entry superclass to be
    abstract always to avoid people shooting themselves in the foot and
    using the wrong class by mistake.


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