Re: Cayenne logging

From: Andrey Razumovsky (
Date: Mon Jun 15 2009 - 04:38:34 EDT

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    You certainly need not recompile anything and there's no need for file, only log4j configuration. Just setup log4j as

    2009/6/13 Joe Baldwin <>

    > Andrey,
    > Yes, it sounds like your suggestion is the next best option to try.. (When
    > Andrus said that he thought that log4j was an abandoned project, I became
    > hesitant about relying on it as a stable component for the future.)
    > I recall reading that the docs for Tomcat 6 say that it is not included by
    > default and that you have to compile the source and configure a few things.
    > I am trying to remember why it was that I was putting off goofing around
    > with logging until the very end of my project. :)
    > Which one do you suggest, and can I borrow your properties file? :)
    > Thanks,
    > Joe
    > On Jun 13, 2009, at 2:10 AM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
    > Hi Joe!
    >> As far as I know, Juli is a weak logging system. For instance, I haven't
    >> found any rolling file appenders, so my logs grew endlessly. I will not be
    >> surprised if it doesn't support optional package loading. I reccomend you
    >> to
    >> switch to Log4j or something.
    >> Andrey
    >> 2009/6/12 Joe Baldwin <>
    >> Andrus,
    >>> I did quite a few tests yesterday and still cannot determine whether the
    >>> Tomcat method will ever work.
    >>> The directives that seem to work are as follows:
    >>> handlers = org.apache.juli.FileHandler
    >>> = ${catalina.base}/logs
    >>> org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix = mywebapp.
    >>> org.apache.juli.FileHandler.level = WARN
    >>> The last line will turns off all logging. If this is changed to "INFO"
    >>> then logging is turned on. However, I cannot get the cayenne
    >>> "QueryLogger",
    >>> "conf", or "util" directives to work. It may be my syntax (using juli),
    >>> or
    >>> it may be that Tomcat juli will not disseminate the directives, or it may
    >>> be
    >>> that it just cannot be done with juli
    >>> Thanks,
    >>> Joe
    >>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 2:12 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:05 PM, Joe Baldwin wrote:
    >>>> Question:
    >>>>> Is is possible that the Cayenne hard-coded defaults (which I read about
    >>>>> somewhere in your docs), are over-riding my
    >>>> Actually no. Cayenne (or your application code) would log something with
    >>>> a
    >>>> certain priority. A logging framework decides whether a given priority
    >>>> should be logged or ignored. I have very little experience with the new
    >>>> Tomcat "juli" logger. So another random thing to try: instead of OFF,
    >>>> can
    >>>> you try WARN (Cayenne logs everything with level INFO, so WARN should
    >>>> suppress the logging).
    >>>> Andrus

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