Question about key path expression

From: Reinout van Schouwen (
Date: Tue Sep 08 2009 - 11:19:59 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Gentry: "Re: Question about key path expression"


    I have a table Person and a table PersName. I've created a relation
    between PersName and Person so that each PersName links to a Person. In
    other words, a Person may have multiple PersNames.

    Is it possible to do a query like this:

    // find all Persons whose family name starts with A
     final Expression queryTemplate = Expression.fromString("persname.familyName like '$name%'");
     Map<String,String> queryParams = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1);
     queryParams.put("name", "A"); // TODO "A" from parameter
     Expression qualifier = queryTemplate.expWithParameters(queryParams);
     SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(Person.class, qualifier);
     query.addOrdering("familyName", true);

    When I try this, I get:
    org.apache.cayenne.exp.ExpressionException: [v.2.0.4 October 12 2007] Can't resolve path component: [Person.persname].

    It is true that the table Person has no field 'persname' but if I read correctly,
    Cayenne should automatically determine all the join information.

    How should I build the key path expression?


    Reinout van Schouwen

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