Sorting and Pagination in Many-to-Many relationship

From: Nishant Neeraj (
Date: Sun Sep 13 2009 - 04:55:26 EDT

  • Next message: Nishant Neeraj: "Re: Sorting and Pagination in Many-to-Many relationship"

    I am having problem in sorting and paginating  many to many relationship objects.
    Here is the DB relationship model. want to do Readers.getMagzines() that returns paginated resultset of page size, N.

    I write a Readers.getMagzine() Method that pulls out List of subscriptions. In the method, I iterate through the list and inflating Magzines (subscriptions.getMagzines()) and injecting SubscriptionType to magzine object. And then I return the list. This works fine.
    Now, I do not want to pull out the full list. Rather, I want do it page by page sort by say, MagzineName with page Size N. Not sure how to do it. Can some one give a hint?
    ThanksNishant Love Cricket? Check out live scores, photos, video highlights and more. Click here

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