Hollow object throwing FaultFailureException

From: Lawrence Gerstley (lawger..mail.com)
Date: Wed Oct 07 2009 - 03:16:25 EDT

  • Next message: Andrey Razumovsky: "Re: Hollow object throwing FaultFailureException"


    I've searched back through old postings and seen a little bit about
    this back in V2, but nothing recently. Was wondering if anyone had any
    idea how to handle this problem:

    Take a model including two tables: ENTITYASSNTOENTITY and ENTRYSTATE,
    where the column ENTRYSTATEID is present in both.
    (Primary Key). This is modeled as a one-to-one relationship.

    Problematically, it is possible for the ENTRYSTATEID in
    ENTITYASSNSTOENTITY to have a key populated in it that is now missing
    in ENTRYSTATE. Certainly, this breaks integrity, but that's not under
    my control for historical and other reasons. Thus, when I have an
    ENTITYASSNSTOENTITY, such as eate1, and I want to get to the related
    ENTRYSTATE with a "toEntryState" method, I get a hollow object that
    refers to a missing ENTRYSTATE record. If I try to access any fields
    within that record, I get and catch a "FaultFailureException",
    indicating that I have no matching row in the database. That's all fine.

    What I need to do is to gracefully handle the error by allowing the
    database to "self-heal" from such a missing record. I want to populate
    the hollow object with values and commit it to reinsert a row in the
    database to correct for the integrity error, or create a new
    ENTRYSTATE object to take the place of the hollow and absent one. I
    tried to create a childDataContext, move the hollow and absent
    ENTRYSTATE record to it, populate, then commitChanges, but this still
    throws a follow-on exception for the missing row. If I create a new
    ENTRYSTATE and try to attach it with eate1.setToEntryState
    (newEntryState), I also get the same error related to the absent
    record. When the application is restarted, however, all works fine,
    because the missing record was committed and persisted, and now no
    exceptions are thrown. The issue is that I want to handle this
    gracefully with no necessary reloading.

    Reading from previous postings, I saw some information on having to
    treat the relationship as a many-to-one, and handling it with covering
    methods. Is this the only fix for this issue? Should I commit the
    missing record, invalidate the state of the ENTITYASSNSTOENTITY object
    and reload?

    As always. thanks for any ideas you might have.


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