Conditions when PersistenceState gets "hollow"

From: Nishant Neeraj (
Date: Thu Apr 01 2010 - 13:59:39 EDT

  • Next message: Nishant Neeraj: "Re: Conditions when PersistenceState gets "hollow""


    I am using Cayenne with Wicket.

    There are situations when I see object's persistence state HOLLOW.
    Specially, when I have committed something on a page, say by form
    submission, .... then clicked browser back button to come back to the same
    page and try to resubmit the form.

    The problem is, when resubmitting, instead of over-writing the same object..
    it is trying to insert it in DB.. but since it has unique key that conflicts
    which previous commit, MySQL throws an exception.

    I wanted to know what are the situations when a data object is assigned


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