Re: Hollow object after fetch and move to new DataContext

From: Julius Spencer (
Date: Wed Apr 28 2010 - 16:39:00 EDT

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    Yeah I just didn't step into it so it looked hollow at that point.

    Sorry about that...

    Thank you for the help!

    On 28/04/2010, at 8:18 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

    > Definitely odd. This line should trigger object inflation and turning it to committed state:
    >> String code = si.getUser().getUserType().getCode();
    > Maybe worth running in debugger to see what's really going on... Maybe something from CayenneDataObject got overridden, etc. Specifically check BaseContext.prepareForAccess(..) method that should handle inflating the object.
    > Andrus
    > On Apr 28, 2010, at 4:05 PM, Julius Spencer wrote:
    >> Hi Andrus,
    >> Thank you for the response. Here is the code taking a user and putting it into the SessionInfo.
    >> TCMSessionInfo si = (TCMSessionInfo) getContext().getSessionInfo(false);
    >> si = (TCMSessionInfo) getContext().getSessionInfo(true);
    >> si.setUser((TCMUser) si.getDefaultDataContext().localObject(user.getObjectId(), null));
    >> later I check that there is a user in the session, but when I try to get a related DataObject:
    >> TCMSessionInfo si = (TCMSessionInfo) cdrContext.getExistingSessionInfo();
    >> if(null!=si.getUser())
    >> String code = si.getUser().getUserType().getCode();
    >> the the user appears to look like this:
    >> {<ObjectId:TCMUser, ZID=200>; hollow; []}
    >> Thanks for any advice.
    >> On 28/04/2010, at 7:51 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    >>> Hi Julius,
    >>> How was it "shifted" to a new context? Maybe you can provide some sample code?
    >>> Andrus
    >>> On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Julius Spencer wrote:
    >>>> Hi,
    >>>> I'm a new user of Cayenne and I have a problem with an object I'm not expecting to be "hollow".
    >>>> I am using STABLE-3.0 and have fetched a DataObject then shifted it to a new DataContext and then it seems to stay HOLLOW even after querying a to-one relationship.
    >>>> Just wondering if anyone has come across this or maybe it's a common mistake.
    >>>> Regards,
    >>>> Julius.

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