Old web application needs a second database

From: Borut Bolčina (borut.bolcin..mail.com)
Date: Mon May 03 2010 - 07:26:44 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Old web application needs a second database"


    Our old large web application uses one database and there are a large number
    of DataContext.createDataContext(); statements all over the web application
    itself and jars it depends on.

    Now there is a need to access another database. Currently the Configuration
    gets initialized with the first call of createDataContext - there is no
    special class which initializes cayenne eagerly. All defaults.

    Reading the API (
    there is a sentence:

    "Factory method that creates and returns a new instance of DataContext based
    on default domain."

    What is the default domain? I can't find anything in the modeler or in the
    cayenne xml configuration file to mark one node as default.

    Currently the cayenne.xml comes from one of the external jars, not the web
    application itself. Now I will have to create a manually crafted
    my-cayenne.xml configuration file which has another data node and initialize
    it with something like:

    DefaultConfiguration conf = new DefaultConfiguration("my-cayenne.xml");

    But I suspect I would have to find all occurances of createDataContext() and
    replace it with createDataContext("old-node-name"). I would really like to
    avoid that!

    Instead, can I just leave the access code to "old" database as is and only
    create data context for the new database with


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