Re: Batch Insert

From: Marek Šab (
Date: Wed May 05 2010 - 19:26:41 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew Lindesay: "EJBQL and Refreshing Data"

    Hi Michael,

    thanks, I do it this way as well and it's ok (~ 10k), but I was
    wondering if there was a batch-insert. Just a thought - let's say:

    instead of:

            SelectQuery sel2 = new SelectQuery(OrgIncome.class);
            List<OrgIncome> incomes = ctx.performQuery(sel2);
            for (OrgIncome oi : incomes) {
                Payment p = ctx.newObject(Payment.class);
                p.setVariableSymbol("" + oi.getVs());

    you would use something like:

            SelectQuery sel2 = new SelectQuery(OrgIncome.class);
            List<OrgIncome> incomes = ctx.performQuery(sel2);
            BatchInsertWrapper<OrgIncome> biw = new

    with some optimizations for mass inserts inside.


    On 05/05/2010 10:58 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
    > Hi Marek,
    > I don't know how many objects you are talking about inserting, but
    > I've done mass inserts (tens to thousands of objects) just using
    > dataContext.commitChanges().
    > mrg
    > On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 4:55 PM, Marek Šabo <> wrote:
    >> I've been searching for a method to persist list of DataObjects aka
    >> batch insert or mass insert. Haven't found anything relevant so far. Is
    >> there a support for this in cayenne or some optimized way to this?
    >> (faster than iterating and single inserting)

    Marek Šabo
    Server Manager
    Club SU CVUT Buben
    Bubenečská Kolej (421)

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