Re: More on caching

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Fri May 28 2010 - 06:43:50 UTC

  • Next message: Sudheer: "Re: Error returned while executing getExtendedTypes()"

    On May 28, 2010, at 9:39 AM, Gary Jarrel wrote:

    > So does this mean that for query caching to work I have to specify the
    > cache group and cache strategy and that the modeler settings only
    > apply to Object cache?

    Yes. Essentially at the query level you decide whether you want it
    cached or not. So two instances of the same query can have different
    cache settings.

    > it seems that domain.getQueryCache().size() is returning 1
    > assertEquals(1, ((DataContext)
    > getDataContext()).getParentDataDomain().getQueryCache().size());
    > assertEquals(1, ((DataContext)
    > getDataContext()).getQueryCache().size());

    I guess DataContext is assigned a different QueryCache instance somehow.


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