Weak References

From: Michael Gentry (mgentr..asslight.net)
Date: Wed Jul 14 2010 - 12:44:01 UTC

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Weak References"

    I'm a little weak, if you will, on how the weak references in 3.0
    work. I know the object store has a weak reference to the data
    objects, but how does that work the other way around? For example, if
    I do something like (pseudo-code):

    void init()
      DataContext dc = DataContext.createDataContext();
      foo = dc.newObject(Foo.class);

    Is the DataContext created in danger of going away even though I have
    a handle to the foo object? Is it always safe to call
    foo.getObjectContext() later and get that DC?



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