Problem selecting new data object in combo box using DOComboBoxModel

From: Mark Fraser (
Date: Fri Jul 23 2010 - 22:22:45 UTC

  • Next message: Andre Lomonaco: "Using SQL ABS"

    I am using the current snapshot of the org.apache.cayenne.dataview classes
    in a swing application with Cayenne 3.x.

    I am having a problem that when I add (programmatically) an item to a combo
    box I can only select it programmatically. The object appears to be in the
    combo box's drop down list, but it cannot be selected by the user. When
    the user selects the object nothing appears selected and
    getSelectedDataObject() returns null.

    I do not know if this is a bug or if I am missing something or doing
    something wrong.

    Here is relevant the code where I am populating the combo box:

    DataObjectList playerList = new
    DOComboBox Model newTournamentResultPlayerModel = new DOComboBoxModel();

    Here is the code where I add a new item:

    Player newPlayer =
    DOComboBoxModel dm =
    (if here I call dm.getDataObjects.setSelectedDataObject(newPlayer)

    Any suggestions on what is wrong would be appreciated.



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