vppconfig - cgen question

From: bogdan_voloshincu (bogdan_voloshinc..ahoo.com)
Date: Mon Sep 20 2010 - 20:50:54 UTC

  • Next message: Dave Lamy: "Re: Bug with EJBQL query referencing two subclasses?"

    Hello ! I try to invoke a cgen task programmatically but i get this error
    :--- referenced object is not a VPPConfig so i fallow the example from the
    cayenne site : http://cayenne.apache.org/doc12/cgen.html

          "Here is an example of using CGen with vppconfig:

        <classpath refid="aclasspath"/>

    <typedef name="vppconfig"
        <classpath refid="aclasspath"/>

    <vppconfig id="myconfig">
            <property key="myPropertyName" value="myPropertyValue" />
            <tool key="myToolName" className="org.myDomain.MyTool" />

    <cgen map="src/datamap.xml"
        <config refid="myconfig" />

    but i can't i can't figure out what is the :

    1) loaderref="aclasspathloader" from the first and second<typedef>

    2) <tool key="myToolName" className="org.myDomain.MyTool" /> - in the
    tutorial myToolName and className would be replace by what classes??
    untiledDomainMap.java ??


    View this message in context: http://cayenne.195.n3.nabble.com/vppconfig-cgen-question-tp1531454p1531454.html
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